Make Your Story Work for You


This series offers up powerful tools that can open doors for your business or organization. 

You can use these tools to network, to build strong connections on LinkedIn, to brand or rebrand, focus your web content, and focus your business proposition.

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: 

  • Identify or re-articulate your unique business proposition

  • Turn the answer for ‘what you do’ into a relational, authentic, and much more interesting invitation to engage.

  • Demonstrate concrete ways to make stories memorable and actionable

  • Identify, develop and practice telling two stories that relate to a specific goal or audience you need to connect with to move your work forward.

If you need to brand or re-brand your business, connect with more customers, or spark your vision and make it visible, this series is for you. Stories build connection and trust, communicate your brand and can move your customers to buy and your investors to support you. You will get hands-on practice, hear inspiring entrepreneurial stories, and leave with templates and resources to move your stories to new places.


A big thank you to you and your Storytelling course. It has been one of the very valuable stepping stones along my journey to “finding my voice”, telling my story and sharing the many amazing stories and wisdom that our guests have to offer on our new podcast and video show “The Impact Farming Show.” Thank you, Cate!

— Tracy Brunet, CEO at Farm Marketer & Cottage Marketer

I found your writing activities were so useful especially for an entrepreneur. Your image diagram explaining the techniques were concise and made complete sense even for a non-writer. Your insights were practical and efficient.

— Workshop participant