The Power of the Pitch


Pitching is about connecting you and your bright idea with an audience to make change with their help. At the core, it is relational before it is transactional.

Pitching does not have to be performative or perfect, though you need to be ready to present and to own it!  That means the pitch needs to include you. People don’t trust an idea; they trust a person first.

In this three-part series, you will master the essential elements of a powerful business pitch, including winning structures that can be applied to everything from elevator pitches and networking, discovery conversations to marketing material, or a pitch for investment. 

You will get multiple opportunities to test your pitch out, as well as take away worksheets and resources to hone new pitches for new audiences, when you need them.


My field has so many facets and I struggled with communication in a meaningful and concise manner.  Cate showed me how to convey a meaningful message to the right audience.  Surprisingly, I have discovered a passion for writing and copy as well!  Anyone will benefit from this workshop with Cate!

— Caitlin Milljour, CT Physiotherapy

As a coach, each of my clients (and potential clients) have unique challenges as it relates to work and life, with different reasons for wanting coaching. It might just be me, but I used think once you have a pitch figured out, that's the one you use every time. But - I don't pitch a corporate executive the same way I'd pitch someone changing careers or launching a new business. What's so valuable to me in learning Cate's Power of the Pitch, is the simple process she lays out of creating a pitch specific to your audience. It's no longer daunting because I have the process.”

— Geraldine De Braune, Executive Coach